From User to Citizen

A review of user-based design development methodologies from digital humanities perspective




Design, User eXperience UX, Centered User design, Digital Humanism, Citizenships, Users.


The world’s environmental crisis and the social crisis brewed in diverse geographical positions around the world point directly at the global economic model that has been unable to balance productivity with sustainability and has demonstrated to be incapable to bridge the poverty gap that condemns multiple social sectors in a human defenseless state. As being part of the productive gear of global economies, it is inevitable that Design’s methodological actions fall under criticism and is demanded to take responsibility that allows it to contribute to the environmental and social urgency state. The following article proposes a review of Design methodologies based on user modeling under the conceptual framework given by Digital Humanism. This framework invites human beings to think from a citizen perspective based on rights. We look into the implications of users thinking as citizens under the frame of these methodologies.


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How to Cite

Gómez Gómez, J. M. (2021). From User to Citizen: A review of user-based design development methodologies from digital humanities perspective. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 16, 71–84.



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