Procedure and Evaluation of Practicum in the Faculty of Education in the University of León


  • Ana María de Caso Fuertes Universidad de León Spain
  • María Dolores Alonso-Cortés Fradejas Universidad de León



Practicum, Education Faculty, School Organization, Evaluation, Assessment, Rubrics.


This paper aims to present not only the evaluation of the subjects Practicum of the Faculty of Education of the University of León, but also what is its implementation and procedure. In this way, the many people who form part of the process are recorded, which provokes the need for a shared and cooperative evaluation that requires an increase of transparency, impartiality and acceptability in order to optimize the student's teaching process That he himself is the protagonist of his learning. Two different types of rubrics have been improved: one that demonstrates the skills required for the completion of the report or final report, and another that facilitates the evaluation of the stay in the student centers by their teacher-tutor and coordinator. Similarly, despite the use of different channels of interactive communication with students (moodle) and between teachers (other interactive platforms of the Council of Education of Castilla y León), the need to transform these rubrics in Erubrics that encourage the feedback of learning.


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How to Cite

de Caso Fuertes, A. M., & Alonso-Cortés Fradejas, M. D. (2017). Procedure and Evaluation of Practicum in the Faculty of Education in the University of León. Diario De Practicum, 1(1).


