Teacher Training Students Practice with 3-6-year-old school children at the University


  • Maria Luisa García Rodríguez Universidad de Salamanca Spain
  • Marina Barrios Rodríguez Universidad de Salamanca Spain




Early childhood Education;, university;, pedagogical practice;, educational innovation;, experimentation;


The experience detailed in the following pages shows it is possible to find new ways for searching for times and spaces that allow novel practices to be performed. Schoolchildren leave their centers to carry out activities directed by student teachers using university facilities. The completion of the first semester of the academic year, in January, offers the necessary resources. The 3-6-year-old students from six classrooms attending a pre- and elementary school in close proximity to the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca, visit the Campus on Canalejas accompanied by their teachers, and spend the day at the faculty. Second-year university students, within the framework of the subject Didactics of Early Childhood Education, manage the pre-planning, its implementation and the corresponding subsequent evaluation.


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Author Biography

Maria Luisa García Rodríguez, Universidad de Salamanca

The experience detailed in the following pages shows it is possible to find new ways for searching for times and spaces that allow novel practices to be performed. Schoolchildren leave their centers to carry out activities directed by student teachers using university facilities. The completion of the first semester of the academic year, in January, offers the necessary resources. The 3-6-year-old students from six classrooms attending a pre- and elementary school in close proximity to the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca, visit the Campus on Canalejas accompanied by their teachers, and spend the day at the faculty. Second-year university students, within the framework of the subject Didactics of Early Childhood Education, manage the pre-planning, its implementation and the corresponding subsequent evaluation.


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How to Cite

García Rodríguez, M. L. ., & Barrios Rodríguez, M. . (2019). Teacher Training Students Practice with 3-6-year-old school children at the University . Diario De Practicum, 4(1), 70–96. https://doi.org/10.24310/RevPracticumrep.v4i1.9876


