Contemporary Arabic Literature through its Covers: an Analysis from the Visual Rhetoric




visual rhetoric, covers, design, Arabic literature, translation


It is well known that the purpose that serves a book’s cover is double: to offer an overall idea of the content of the work and to attract potential clients by means of its design. In the field of translated foreign literature, the cover element plays an even more key role, since it catalogues the work contained, determines the reading mode, predisposes, or prejudges. The aim that pursues this paper is to revise the Arabic literature translated into the co-official languages of Spain during the last twelve years through some of their covers and to reflect on the editorial design trends, the influence exerted or not by the collective imaginary in the design process and the consolidation, change, or renewal of the stereotypes, images, and symbols linked to this literature.


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Author Biography

Angelina Gutiérrez Almenara, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

ORCID: 0000-0002-1747-7687


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Almenara, A. (2023). Contemporary Arabic Literature through its Covers: an Analysis from the Visual Rhetoric. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (27), 99–119.


