Iconoclasm, Body, and Power: Women and Protests through Artwork Interventions



Gender violence, Suffrage, Art, Iconoclasm, Vandalism, Protests


This article presents a comparative study of two events with more than a hundred years time difference between them. However, they share similar principles regarding women protesting in the streets against gender violence and demanding rights. The intervention in the painting The Rokeby Venus by Diego Velázquez, perpetrated by the suffragette Mary Richardson in England in 1914, is compared with contemporary feminist interventions in Mexico during feminist protests, specifically, the graffiti on monuments such as the «Ángel de la Independencia» in 2019. Thus, this paper argues that these events can be seen as iconoclastic acts because these women attacked the works of art with motivation. The interventions were a protest against the lack of State support regarding demands such as women’s suffrage or tackling gender violence, like feminicide.


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How to Cite

Herrmann Estudillo, B. A. (2023). Iconoclasm, Body, and Power: Women and Protests through Artwork Interventions. Boletín De Arte, (44), 179–190. Retrieved from https://www.revistas.uma.es/index.php/boletin-de-arte/article/view/15988



Research Paper