Animals, Postmodern Feminist Theories and Artistic Practices




This article aims to show how some postmodern feminist theories such as Ecofeminism and Posthumanism, by authors like Françoise d’Eaubonne, Alicia Puleo, Donna Haraway or Rosi Braidotti have contributed to the criticism against androcentric practices based on the systemic dominion of devastation and exploitation of otherness, perpetuating the hierarchy and authority of the male. In contrast to this, these authors have proposed a new model of organic relationship and coexistence between culture and nature, capable of overcoming binary models, inspired by respect for the diversity of sexes and species.

These principles are found, likewise, in the artistic practices of some authors such as Bonnie Ora Sherk, FIna Miralles, María Llopis or Olga Diego. Practices that move through Performance, Installation or Authentic Movement.


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Author Biography

Mireia Ferrer Álvarez, Universidad de Valencia

Mireia Ferrer Alvarez es Profesor Contratado Doctor del Departamento de Història de l’Art de la Facultad de Geografia i Història de la Universitat de València. 


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How to Cite

Ferrer Álvarez, M. (2019). Animals, Postmodern Feminist Theories and Artistic Practices. Boletín De Arte, (40), 135–146.


