The interaction between tutors and students in Physiotherapy practices




Academic tutor, Professional tutor, Practicum, Practicum students, Interaction, Educational interaction


The practicum is a fundamental subject in the teaching-learning process in the degrees of our trainees who have the need to link the theoretical knowledge of the curricula of the Physiotherapy degree with the practical situations that occur in external institutions. This study is contextualized in the subject of external practices carried out in the degree of Physiotherapy with the objective of knowing the interactions between the agents (the academic tutor, the professional tutor and the student in practices) involved during the practical stay of the students of the second and fourth year of the degree of physiotherapy. The research is approached from a qualitative-interpretative paradigm with ethnographic approach. Thirty-four interviews were conducted, performing a triangulation among the intervening agents. The study confirms that the interaction between the intervening agents in the subject, are fundamental for the development of the teaching of the student trainee.


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Author Biography

Yolanda Sánchez-Retamero, Escuelas Universitarias de Fisioterapia Gimbernat

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Línea de investigación: Universidad: Cultura organizacional, gestión y gobierno, liderazgo, género y desarrollo del profesorado.Coordinadora de las Escuelas Universitarias de Fisioterapia Gimbernat (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). Vocal del Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Cataluña.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Retamero, Y. (2021). The interaction between tutors and students in Physiotherapy practices. Diario De Practicum, 6(2), 35–53.


