Critical Thinking VS Critical Competence: Critical Reading




critical competence, Europan Union competences, critical thinking, fake news, reading competence


Critical thinking is not a current concept. However, it is taking on special relevance in today’s society thanks, in part, to the problem posed to human beings by fake news, and, by extension, it is beginning to be addressed systematically in educational centers. Similarly, critical thinking also affects the understanding of the information received from an emotional point of view, as it helps to be more objective and avoid misinterpreting both oral and written messages. In this sense, critical thinking is evolving into competence as the ability to put it into practice; these are parallel concepts to the concept of reading comprehension with respect to reading competence. In addition, most of the tests that have been used to measure critical thinking are translations from English, which, in some cases, are ambiguous and confusing to interpret in Spanish. As a result, understanding what is read is critical for developing a solid and solvent critical competence. The present study is a review of the scientific literature that aims to discern what critical thinking is, which is included as one of the skills to be developed with students according to the European Union. It provides a basis for the definition of critical competence as well as its dimensions, its relationship with reading, and its role in the classroom.


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Author Biography

Elena del Pilar Jiménez Pérez, Universidad de Málaga


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How to Cite

Jiménez Pérez, E. del P. (2023). Critical Thinking VS Critical Competence: Critical Reading. Investigaciones Sobre Lectura, 18(1), 1–26.


