Jhumpa Lahiri’s Subjectivity in Il quaderno di Nerina: a Case of Self-translation





Jhumpa Lahiri, Il quaderno di Nerina, self-Translation, pseudo-Self-Translation, subjectivity


In this article we take as an object of analysis Jhumpa Lahiri's Il quaderno di Nerina (2021) to explore how this author constructs her subjectivity in this poetic work, which we could consider an “opaque self-translation” (Dasilva, 2015). Our theoretical framework is based on the concepts, on the one hand, of “born translated literature” (Walkowitz, 2015), and, on the other, of “reworking of ethos in self-translated discourse” (Spoturno, 2019). Following Lahiri herself (2022), the starting hypothesis is that her activity as a writer is closely related, or rather coincides, with that of a translator. Based on these theoretical lines, we will analyse in the work the ways in which Lahiri translates her subjectivity and triplicates her authorship through literary mystification. The result is an overlapping of hybrid languages and genres that we see as a translation of a complex authorial image in poetic terms.


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Author Biography

Francesca Placidi, Universidad de Salamanca

ORCID: 0000-0002-2892-6185


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How to Cite

Placidi, F. (2023). Jhumpa Lahiri’s Subjectivity in Il quaderno di Nerina: a Case of Self-translation. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (27), 121–134. https://doi.org/10.24310/trt.27.2023.16449


