Towards a phenomenology of the immanently unseeable


  • Gaston Giribet University of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires) Argentina



Phenomenology, philosophy of science, black holes, image, horizons.


We tackle the problem of how to think of a phenomenology of the unseeable, understanding this term in a strong sense: It is about an immanent invisibility, that of absence, that of the subjunctive. We investigate to what extent the unseeable is related to absence, what does it mean to become aware of that absence, and to project meaning out from it. To this, we make use of recent advances in the field of astrophysics: the "observation" of objects in nature that make, in fact, the immanently invisible; objects that are defined by the absence of the very space-time in which they are.


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Author Biography

Gaston Giribet, University of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)

Professor of Theoretical Physics. Physics Department, FCEyN, University of Buenos Aires, UBA


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How to Cite

Giribet, G. (2020). Towards a phenomenology of the immanently unseeable. UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 2(3), 15–29.