No. 4 (2021): Art and design: transfers, methodologies and Futures

					View No. 4 (2021): Art and design: transfers, methodologies and Futures

In today's world of transversal space where culture exerts a tension on the different fields of knowledge, an expanded perspective that allows interaction between disciplines, as offered by design processes, is more necessary than ever. 'Design' provides a field of exploration where experimentation, creation and the tangible are connected, in a present that predicts the future. This Umática monograph approaches those other presents.

There are traditional points in the design field displaced at the core of debates, such as the dogma of the search for solutions (new solutions to old problems), when the actual need to ask further questions emerges. Everything is questioned because everything is re-designed, re-measure, re-cycled, re-made, re-taken, 'RE-'... From the vision of the ordinary, the most human, the social, etc., without eminent corporate ambitions, the design responds to what we will have to live and how the scenarios and objects in our lives will be.

This issue seeks to give answers to design. It pursues a reconfiguration facing future problems and concerning the dialectics of design with other disciplines. It is time to review the models and methodologies of conception and creation that are already applied and yet probably not visible in the results of the design processes themselves.

Cover Image. Pepe Gimeno. Buscando desde lo inexacto el circulo perfecto, 2017 (Acrílico sobre lienzo). Cortesía de Pepe Gimeno. Premio Nacional de Diseño 2020.

Published: 2021-12-30
