Un histórico complejo arquitectónico y paisajístico de características homogéneas: las Villas Tuscolanas de la época moderna


  • Rodolfo Maria Strollo Università Roma Tre Spain




The group of monumental handiworks – often comprehending some large external fittings – commonly pointed out as the Complex of Ville Tuscolane, may be regarded as a large and articulated architectural and landscape phenomenon which invested several ambits and many ages, inside a well determined area: the slope of the ancient Tusculum on the relief of the Alban Hills (in the Latium Region). The XVI and XVII Centuries are the period of the maximum shine, but the phenomenon itself has its roots in the Roman epoch and it has been passing through many meaningful transformations in the recent past. The considerably large territory with this feature, besides to many socio-economical, political, artistic, geographic and territorial, aspects inherent in its history, may well show how ample and complicated may result an attempt to give an “all-round” reading of the phenomenon itself.


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How to Cite

Strollo, R. M. (2018). Un histórico complejo arquitectónico y paisajístico de características homogéneas: las Villas Tuscolanas de la época moderna. Boletín De Arte, (28), 9–22. https://doi.org/10.24310/BoLArte.2007.v0i28.4471



Research Paper