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Almudena Cotán Fernández
Universidad de Cádiz
Aurora María Ruiz Bejarano
Universidad de Cádiz
Katia Álvarez Díaz
Universidad de Cádiz
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022), EXPERIENCES, pages 137-153
Submitted: Jan 15, 2022 Accepted: Jun 8, 2022 Published: Jul 30, 2022
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Universities should pay special attention to teaching innovation processes as they allow not only to update teaching-learning methods but also to adjust them to the real needs of students. Therefore, the development of methodologies that promote inclusion and educational quality in the initial training of future teachers is an essential requirement that higher education institutions must meet.  The aim of this paper is to describe the innovative educational experience developed in the Early Childhood Education Degree at the University of Cadiz. This experience is part of a teaching innovation project, whose central theme has been the use of photo-elicitation as a learning strategy from an inclusive approach. Three were the essential moments for the development of the project. The first one, called Before, coincided with a literacy process on narrative methodologies in education and, specifically, on photo-elicitation as a learning tool in the classroom. In a second moment, called During, we proceeded to the realization of the photograph and the individual and group analysis by the students. In a third and last moment, identified in the study as After, discussion groups were held in the classroom through the narrative analysis of the group photographs. For this purpose, a photo gallery was created in the Instagram application and displayed in the classroom. It ends with a discussion section in which the main results obtained will be contrasted with previous studies.


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