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  • Noemí Peña Trapero
Noemí Peña Trapero
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Remembering: a life dedicated to Education. Academic tribute to Professor Ángel I. Pérez Gómez, STUDENTS, pages 257-261
Submitted: May 2, 2022 Accepted: Sep 2, 2022 Published: Sep 30, 2022
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When university education aims to transform people, their attitudes and their actions, it requires a deep work on oneself; it requires time and effort, exposes us to the gaze of others, invites us to question everything and can be accompanied by a crisis or change of identity. Ángel's thought has been the support of my entire personal and professional career, the reason that self-criticism, passion for knowledge and commitment to education are part of my day to day. Without a doubt, Ángel changed my life, but thanks to his legacy he continues to change it for numerous teachers who one day decide to walk against the tide and make sense of their experience, provoking the restlessness of those who, asleep in the unconscious, believe they are doing things correctly, without thinking, without reflecting… without meaning.


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