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Carmen Reyes Galván
español español
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español español
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022), STUDENTS, pages 185-202
Submitted: Jun 6, 2022 Accepted: Jul 6, 2022 Published: Jul 30, 2022
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In this article we present the reflections resulting from a research project carried out after the end of the three practical periods of the Primary Education Teaching Degree at the University of Malaga. Three students and a researcher got together to develop a process of editing classroom stories over a period of two months through weekly meetings. Each of us chose a previously written classroom story, presented it to the rest of the participants and established conversations, reflections and suggestions that were taken into account by each of us to carry out the various rewritings. Through these actions, a space was created to investigate and give professional meaning to what was experienced in the schools. Based on this, we have written an article in which we reflect the reflections and learning that we agreed upon in these meetings. We have based the theoretical framework on the concept of narrative pedagogy, writing as a means to develop thinking and tools that have made reflection possible. Among the most relevant findings, we can highlight the value of writing and conversation in the initial training of teachers and the development of knowledge linked to experience. This involves connecting the stories experienced during the internships with our own experiences as trainee teachers. It also allows us to shift our thinking about the teaching profession, focusing on pedagogical relationships.



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