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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The text has single spacing; 11 point font size; quotation marks are used instead of underlining, bold and italics (except in URLs and headings); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format and the authors are not identified in the file name.
  • Where possible, URLs are provided for references shortened with https://bitly.com
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear on this page.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring anonymous evaluation should be followed
  • All tables and graphs are attached in complementary files in JPG format and with acceptable quality.
  • The Declaration of Conflict of Interest (CI Policy) has been completed

In Márgenes Revista de Educación of the University of Malaga, we do not apply charges for sending, processing or publishing articles. The entire editorial process is free for the authors.

Márgenes will prioritize articles whose authors have not published papers in the journal in a interval of less than 12 months.

General information for all proposals

General information

  • The articles must necessarily be adapted to the format template (Microsoft Word) that you can download here.
  • It is essential to have an account ORCID and fill in the details of this in the profile of each author ORCID provides an identifier for people to use with their name when engaging in research, study, and innovation activities. It provides open tools that enable transparent and trusted connections between researchers, their contributions, and affiliations. It offers this service to help people find information and to simplify reporting and analysis.
  • It is also essential that, to ensure the integrity of a blind peer review, the authors check whether they have carried out the following steps with respect to the text properties:
    1. 1. Having removed their names from the text, using "Author" and "year" in the references and footnotes, instead of the names of the authors, the title of the article, the acknowledgments, etc.
    2. 2. In the case of documents created with Microsoft Office, the author-a identification should also be removed from the file properties (see below file in Word), by clicking file in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File Save As Tools (or Options in the case of Mac) Security Options When saving, remove personal information from file properties Save.

Other recommendations

  • It is recommended to use the Guide of Style for Publishing of the Publications and Scientific Dissemination Service of the University of Malaga
  • Use our Journal Article Reporting Standards ( JARS) qualitative research to check that your article meets the quality criteria.
  • The source of funding for the research that has resulted in the work being presented must be included. The funding agencies and the codes of the projects within the framework of which the research that gives rise to the submitted manuscript has been developed must be indicated.
  • Author Contributions: For research articles with multiple authors, a short paragraph should be provided specifying their individual contributions. As an example, the following declarations can be used: “Conceptualization, Author 1. and Author 2; Methodology, Author; Data Analysis, Author; Information Collection, Author; Writing — original draft preparation, Author; Writing — proofreading and editing, Author. All the authors have read and accepted the published version of the manuscript”.
  • It is recommended that the authors report on whether the conclusions have taken possible differences between the sexes into account in the papers carried out with research data, among which the sex variable is found.
  • Authors are encouraged to deposit supplementary material, at least the research data underlying the publications, in open access institutional or thematic repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). In a complementary way, it is recommended to relate the articles with their complementary material deposited in public repositories through unique and persistent identifiers. The library of the University of Malaga, through its Institutional Repository (RIUMA), makes available to the authors a section for this purpose https://biblioguias.uma.es/RIUMA/Datasets


Contributions to the magazine can be:

  • Studies and essays: Up to 10,000 words, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references (exceptionally, longer papers will be accepted, as long as the quality and suitability justify it) thereof). It will be especially valued that not only a theoretical review is presented, but that new points of view and arguments are included, that there is a critical contribution of the analyzes presented, that there is a personal integration of the theoretical sources consulted and that the authors position themselves clearly in an educational paradigm and maintain coherence in the work.
  • Research: Up to 10,000 words, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references (exceptionally longer papers will be accepted, as long as the quality and suitability of the research justifies it). themselves). It will be appreciated that the authors clearly position themselves in an educational paradigm and maintain said coherence in the research design.
  • Experiences: Up to 10,000 words, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references (exceptionally, longer papers will be accepted, as long as the quality and suitability of the evidence justifies it). themselves). It will be appreciated that the experience is based on educational theory and that the changes introduced are not merely cosmetic.
  • Students: Up to 10,000 words, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references (exceptionally, longer papers will be accepted, as long as the quality and suitability of the texts justify it). themselves). The quality of the content of the works will be valued.
  • Book Reviews: Up to 1,000 words. It will be appreciated that there is a personal and integrated discourse and not just a mechanical description of the reviewed book.
  • How to: Up to 10,000 words. It will be especially valued that not only a theoretical review is presented, but that clear guides, ideas, reflections, instructions, orientations... are provided on aspects related to how to design and carry out qualitative research to promote the training and knowledge of qualitative researchers. or delve into those more advanced researchers.

Request for a monograph

To coordinate a monograph on Márgenes, you must send an email to esierra@uma.es with the following information:

  • - A working title and a 300-500 word abstract of what the special issue is intended to cover.
  • - A justification of why this special issue is needed, what contribution you intend to make, if there have been any other special issues (or published books) on this topic, etc .
  • - Justification of the suitability of the guest editor for the monograph.
  • - A proposed publication schedule beginning with the Call for papers release date.
  • - Possible prestigious authors and authors with whom the monographic issue could count.
Regardless of the monographic proposal, all the papers received will go through the corresponding peer review.

APA 7 General Rules

The guidelines used for citation and references in the Márgenes Magazine will be those corresponding to APA 7.

It is essential that all citations that have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) are reflected in the References (they can be obtained at https://bit.ly/2pgrisi). All journals and books that do not have a DOI must appear with a URL.

All web addresses submitted must be shortened in the manuscript by https://bitly.com, with the exception of DOIs that must be in the indicated format.

Reference citations will be made correctly, not admitting those that do not fit. It is recommended to see examples in the articles published in the magazine.

Abbreviations should only be used universally accepted. When it is intended to shorten a term frequently used in the text, the corresponding abbreviation, between parentheses, must be accompanied the first time it appears.

When it is required to complement the manuscript with documents and attached visual, audiovisual, statistical materials, extensive tables, complex color graphics... that cannot be inserted in the articles due to format and size issues, these documents will go as files extraordinary.

You can find help on how to cite according to APA here.

Ethical Responsibilities

Each author will present a responsible declaration of authorship and originality, as well as the ethical responsibilities incurred and, if necessary, a declaration of conflict of interest.

Previously published material is not accepted. The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and for correctly citing their source. The opinions expressed in the published articles are the responsibility of the authors and the authors. Anti-plagiarism programs will be used to check the originality of the manuscripts.

  • - Authorship: Márgenes Magazine declines any responsibility for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works that are published.
  • - Informed consent: The authors must mention, in the case of research with people, especially minors, that they have been carried out with informed consent.

Post Post


Márgenes undertakes to correct relevant errors in previously published articles. Corrections should be submitted by contacting the editor of the journal responsible for the original submission. The entire process will be carried out through the history of the same submission within the magazine's platform


Margins also adheres to the guidelines of the COPE in cases of possible retractions. The decision on a possible retraction will be made after an internal investigation or from recommendations of an institutional investigation. Causes for possible retraction are considered to be clear evidence of manipulation and/or falsification of data in the article, previous publication of the same results elsewhere without proper attribution or justification, major plagiarism, publication of unethical research, or inclusion defamatory or politically motivated content. Readers who want to inform the journal management about published works that may require a retraction should contact the authors and write to the journal, including emails exchanged with them.

This section is for studies and essays of theoretical analysis.

Up to 10000 words, including titles, abstracts, descriptors, graphic elements and references (exceptionally, works with greater length will be accepted, as long as their quality and suitability justify it).


We will favour papers that are not only a theoretical review, but as well include new perspectives and arguments, a critical contribution of the exposed analysis, a personal integration of consulted theoretical sources and a clear position in an educative paradigm in coherence within his/her work.

This section is for submissions about qualitative scientific research, finished or in progress. Papers must be original and unpublished. 

Up to 10000 words, including titles, abstracts, descriptors, graphic elements and references (exceptionally, works with greater length will be accepted, as long as their quality and suitability justify it).

We will favour papers that definea clear position in an educative paradigm and the coherence within his/her work

This section is for educative experiences with an innovative character.

Experiences: Up to 10000 words, including titles, abstracts, descriptors, graphic elements and references (exceptionally, works with greater length will be accepted, as long as their quality and suitability justify it).

We will favour papers that exposean experience well-based on educational theory and that introduce significative changes and not just merely decorative.

This section is for opinion texts.

Submissions are not accepted. On this section, the editorial board will directly suggest the authors.

In the Journal Márgenes we believe that students in education studies need to contribute in the production of knowledge in our field. 

This section is for the publication of student papers based on their Bachelor Final Thesis, Master Final Thesis, etc.

For this section, the editor will be more lenient, English editorial style, and will consider the need of helping in publishing, as long as it is a quality submission and only needs help in formal matters.

Up to 10000 words, including titles, abstracts, descriptors, graphic elements and references (exceptionally, works with greater length will be accepted, as long as their quality and suitability justify it).

We will favour papers with quality of contents.

This section is intended for methodological texts.

Up to 10,000 words, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references (exceptionally longer papers will be accepted, provided that their quality and suitability justifies it). It will be especially valued that not only a theoretical review is presented, but also that clear guides, ideas, reflections, instructions, orientations ... are provided on aspects related to how to design and carry out qualitative research to promote the training and knowledge of qualitative researchers. or delve into those more advanced researchers.

Las reseñas son exámenes o comentarios críticos de una publicación que motivan su lectura o consulta. En Márgenes nos interesan tanto publicaciones de aparición reciente (año en curso y hasta dos anteriores) como obras clásicas cuyo valor educativo y científico merezca que sean recuperadas.

Las reseñas forman parte de una sección no arbitrada de la revista, siendo evaluadas por el Consejo de Redacción. Tendrán una extensión aproximada de entre 700 y 1000 palabras, y deben ir acompañadas de resumen y palabras claves. Toda reseña debe ofrecer, además de la estructura y aspectos principales de la obra, un análisis de contenido en el que quede reflejado la perspectiva del libro, así como su potencial valor para la comunidad educativa. La autora o el autor de la reseña tiene libertad para proponer una estructura interna, si bien en el encabezado de la misma debe aparecer la siguiente información:

  • Título de la obra 
  • Apellidos y Nombre del autor/a (Dir. o coord., según proceda).
  • Año. Ciudad y Editorial
  • Nº de páginas.
  • ISBN
  • Nombre del autor/a de la recensión e institución
  • Texto recensión en español (entre 700 y 1000 palabras)

Section for Phd Works

Sección dedicada a textos de retracctación, correcciones y otros, añadidos al contenido habitual de la revista. 


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