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Cristina Arriaga Sanz
a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:27:"Universidad del País Vasco";}
Alberto Cabedo-Mas
Óscar Chiva-Bartoll
Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Lidón Moliner-Miravet
Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021), EXPERIENCES, pages 100-115
Submitted: Oct 25, 2020 Accepted: Jan 15, 2021 Published: Jul 26, 2021
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Service-Learning (SL) is an appropriate experience to consolidate a socio-community view of education, since it encourages the active, reflective and critical participation of all those agents involved. This article shows the diagnostic phase of a neighbourhood where a SL program is applied. At the methodological level, the need to establish a diagnosis of the context where the intervention takes place is theoretically justified and argued, describing the approach, process and criteria used for the selection of the instruments. As a result, a series of instruments are described that facilitate the collection of information from the different groups. In conclusion, the article evidences the need to implement, whenever aspiring to apply quality SL projects, a well-designed diagnostic phase adjusted to the circumstances of each context.  It is clear that a transforming proposal that involves the actions of families and the community, must be preceded by a diagnosis of the context in which it takes place, it is to say, an analysis that makes it possible to energize this joint work. Therefore, it will be necessary to design instruments that facilitate the collection of information from the different groups, to identify the strengths and weaknesses, in order to implement quality projects, appropriate to the circumstances of the context. This is the main objective of this work, to provide the instruments that facilitate a diagnosis of the neighbourhood where a Service-Learning program is applied and the contributions that they imply in a specific program.


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