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Gabriel Rosales
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020), RESEARCHES, pages 107-119
Submitted: Apr 6, 2020 Accepted: Jun 1, 2020 Published: Jul 31, 2020
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This writing arises in the Research Project "Inter-generational relations in formal educational institutions: experiences of children, youth and adults", based on the FCH - UNSL. The project's general objective is to investigate how inter-generational links are (re) constructed in formal educational settings, by exploring the experiences that children, youth and adults have of these relationships. In this framework of reflection, this work will particularly expose the meanings that young people from popular sectors who attend secondary schools in the City of San Luis have built in relation to the idea of ??"respect" in the links they establish with adult educators from their schools. To investigate this topic, we analyzed a corpus made up of 250 surveys and 25 interviews with young people.

As recent national and international research shows, the notion of respect emerges as a privileged vector to analyze the way in which inter-generational and pedagogical links are transformed today because it makes visible, among other aspects, youth experiences, needs and claims that stress school ties. In this work, in particular, we identify two large nuclei of meaning linked to how students understand the notion of respect: one-way or traditional respect, and two-way or emerging respect.


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